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Top Big Data Interview Questions

In this blog post, we will see some common and repeated big data interview questions that are asked when searching for a job as a Data Engineer or Software engineer.

Question: What is Big Data?

Answer: “Big data” refers to datasets whose size is beyond the ability of traditional database software tools to capture, store, manage, and analyze. It is also the voluminous amount of structured, unstructured, or semi-structured data, that has a huge potential for knowledge extraction. It is characterized by different properties such as volume, Variety, Velocity, Veracity, and Value that play an important role in classifying data as big data. This property and the nature of the data define if it’s big data or not. Here the size of the data is subjective as it increases over time.

Question: What are the different sources of Big Data? Where does Big Data come from?

Answer: Although Big data originates from multiple sources, below are the most common ones.

Question: What are the Different Vs of Big Data?

Answer: There are five V’s of Big Data that play an important role in classifying data as big data. The explosion of data has caused a revolution in the data format types.

Question: How is Apache Hadoop related to Big Data?

Answer: Apache Hadoop is an open-source framework for storing, processing, and analyzing complex unstructured data sets that are classified as big data. It is also used to derive insights and intelligence from them.

Question: What is Big Data Categorization?

Answer: All of these sources of Big data can be categorized into three main sections.

Question: How much Data exists out there?

Answer: It is estimated that by 2025, there will be more than 150 Zettabytes of data collected worldwide.

Question: What are the types of Big Data?

Answer: We can broadly categorize big data into three categories, namely structured, Semi-structured, and unstructured data.

Question: What are the various steps or components of the Big Data Platform or Big Data Solution?

Answer: A typical Big Data Platform has three components using which we can deploy a big data solution.

A development team related to a big data platform needs to follow the above steps to deploy a big data model.

Question: What is Data Ingestion?

Answer: In a data ingestion process, we collect the data from the upstream sources and ingest it into the data platform. Upstream sources can be within an organization or from outside the organization like social media platforms, business applications, log files, Call Detail Records (CDR), Data warehouses, etc.

Question: What is Data Storage?

Answer: Once the data is collected and ingested in the Data Ingestion Phase, it is stored in the data platform. We can store the data using a distributed storage platform like Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) or Amazon Simple Storage Service(S3).

Question: What is Data Processing?

Answer: Once the data is ingested and stored, it needs to be processed to do the analysis and perform visualization on top of it. For users to do this, we can use Big data tools like Hadoop MapReduce, Apache Spark, Apache Hive, Apache Pig, etc.

Question: What are Different data processing techniques as part of Big Data?

Answer: With the help of big data processing methods, we can analyze big data sets at a massive scale. In reality, data is collected in different modes, as given below.

This is offline-based processing, which is mainly useful for Business Intelligence-based reporting.

This type of processing is done on the most recent slice of data. It is mainly done for data profiling, real-time threat monitoring, and detecting fraud from financial transaction data.

These two use cases are the most popular in the big data domain.

Question: What do you mean by Commodity Hardware in the context of Big Data?

Answer: Commodity hardware refers to a hardware resource that needs the minimum resources and components needed to run Apache Hadoop and related tools. This hardware is not vendor-specific hardware, which makes it easier to buy hardware for their Hadoop cluster.

Question: What do you mean by Cluster?

Answer: In the Computing world, a cluster is a group of computers that are interconnected to work together to support software or applications. If we want to process datasets that have a large amount of volume, we need to process them in a cluster.

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