What is a Flat File ? And Why is It Important?
What is a Flat File? A flat file or a sequential file is a type of file that stores data in the form of columns and rows to emulate a…
What is a Flat File? A flat file or a sequential file is a type of file that stores data in the form of columns and rows to emulate a…
JobTracker is a daemon service that is used for submitting and tracking MapReduce(MR) jobs in the Apache Hadoop framework. In a typical production cluster, JobTracker runs on a separate machine…
Parallelism refers is the ability to perform multiple tasks simultaneously by slicing the data into smaller partitions and processing them in parallel across multiple nodes in a cluster. Apache Spark…
Introduction to Data Platform A Data Platform is a centralized system that provides an integrated and scalable solution for managing various types of data such as structured, semi-structured, and unstructured…
In the Current world, Data is the new gold or oil for many organizations. It is a lifeline for many businesses as it provides valuable information to a different line…
Apache hive is a data warehousing tool in which we use a Structured Query Language(SQL) like language called Hive Query Language(HQL) to perform various ETL tasks on given data. Hive…
Task Tracker is a daemon in the Hadoop cluster node that accepts various tasks from Job Tracker. These tasks range from Map, Reduce, or Shuffle operations. They also run their…
What exactly is Metadata? Metadata is the information that describes other data, or, simply speaking, it is data about the data. It is the descriptive, administrative, and structural data that defines…
In today's world, many businesses and companies are developing their applications in-house to support their business and improve the customer experience. The company needs to provide continuous support to sustain…
Docker is an open-source containerization platform that provides services to facilitate the deployment of applications/software in a container. In this blog post, we will go over the Top Docker Interview…