Installing Apache Hive on Ubuntu
In this blog post we will install Apache Hive in Ubuntu Machine.Once installation is complete we will run Hive queries using Hive Query Language(HQL) to Verify the installation.
In this blog post we will install Apache Hive in Ubuntu Machine.Once installation is complete we will run Hive queries using Hive Query Language(HQL) to Verify the installation.
The ls command is one of the basic and common commands that all Linux users should know. It is mainly used to list information about files and directories within the…
cd command, also known as chdir​ (change directory), is a command-line shell command. It is used in navigating the Linux/Unix system and is widely used when writing Shell Script. Change…
This post describes some of the most useful Apache Hadoop HDFS commands one would need when working in a Hadoop Cluster
Linux is open-source and one of the most popular operating systems. It is one of the most important technological advancements of the last century. It has made a huge impact…
Apache Spark is an open-source cluster-computing framework. This post will explain the steps for installing prebuilt version of Apache Spark 2.1.1 as a stand alone cluster in a Linux system. I have used Ubuntu as a debains based OS for this post.
Linux is a family of free and open-source software operating systems built around the Linux kernel.This blog includes some of the basic commands that are used in unix environment.
Bash is a Unix shell and command language written by Brian Fox for the GNU Project as a free software replacement for the Bourne shell.